Educational support for Non Chinese Speaking (NCS) students



We adopt pull-out programmes for NCS students to have appropriate learning so that they have the ability to better prepare for the International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSE). In addition, we also provide online self-learning platforms “i-Learner Chinese” and “Mandarin Pathway”for NCS students so that they have more opportunities to come into contact with Chinese and cultivate students’ self-learning ability.



The subject teacher will conduct a “begin-of-term” test for NCS students at the commencement of the term so that the teacher can grasp the students’ Chinese ability more effectively and arrange tailor-made teaching content for them. In addition, we will also arrange final examinations for NCS students, and adjust the level of difficulty according to the students’ Chinese ability in order to assess the Chinese proficiency of NCS students more accurately.



We will organize regular activities such as lantern riddles, writing Chinese New Year scrolls so that NCS students can learn more about Chinese culture through activities and they can also integrate into schools and communities with ease. Activities can further promote the exchanges between NCS students and local students, provide more opportunities for NCS students to use Chinese, and bring Chinese into the lives of NCS students.


Link to online self-learning platform:
i-Learner Chinese:
Mandarin Pathway:


International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is a universal secondary school examination certificate, which is recognized and accepted by many higher education institutions in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong.


The local IGCSE examinations and certificates are issued by Pearson-Edexcel or Cambridge-Assessment International Education, a British assessment agency. Candidates can get the latest information through the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority every year.


International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSE) results reference:


Levels attained in HKCEE





Grades attained in IGCSE











